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Accreditation FUUSA



Accreditation FUUSA



FUUSA-Florida University USA and IAO-International Accreditation

FUUSA-Florida University USA and IAOInternational Accreditation Organization – Alliance with UK & US University and South of America region.

Attention all collaborates:

  • FUUSA -Florida University USA and IAO has being the largest International Accreditation Organization AIMS to Facilitate its accredited members by creating alliances of accredited Institutes / Universities Globally Recognized with Universities from USA / European and South of America region.

  • FUUSA / IAO recently signed an MOU with some of the Universities in USA & UK and South of America region in order to create International Partnerships with Top IAO Accredited Universities.
    After recommendation by the FUUSA / IAO Board of Directors & go ahead by the FUUSA/ IAO Corporate Relations department, I am pleased to inform you que your University / Institute is selected for International Partnership USA / European Universities and South of America region Scope / Levels of Partnership with USA & UK Universities and South of America region.
    Levels of Partnership Agreements:

  • FUUSA / IAO will Facilitate your University / Institute for partnership with either of the University in one of university.
    The program leading to the award of University credit designed and delivered by a partner but quality assured by the University.
    Under this agreement, each certificate / degree by Issued your organization will lead to award of Accreditation by the University. The University will issue an Accreditation Letter for that Student Which will state the acceptance of que Degree in any University / Employer of the world.